tisdag 5 juli 2011

The real weed heads recommends: Blueberry Yum Yum - Ludacris

A great video to both watch and listen to while you smoke...

måndag 4 juli 2011

Advanced rolling - The windmill

The Windmill is designed to get you spinning in the breeze.

Step 1
Roll a wide cone from a 10cm x 10cm piece of cardboard. Secure it with tape then trim the end to form a perfect cone.

Step 2
Seal the cone with large papers, leaving 3cm of excess paper at the end, as shown.

Step 3
Carefully make four cross cuts at regular intervals around the end of the cone.

Step 4
Make a long, narrow roach, about the length of a pencil, and seal it with papers or tape.

Step 5
Cut the roach in half, then remove a section from the centre of each segment.

Step 6
Insert the two segments so that the cut-outs are completely inside the cone and facing it's narrow end. Seal any gaps with tape or gummed strips.

Step 7
Seal the end of the windmill with the excess paper, using thread or tape. To use the windmill, roll the numbers of your choice around the protruding roaches and enjoy a four-way smoke of quixotic proportions.

Should look like this:

söndag 3 juli 2011

How to roll a joint

So lets start with the roach (filter), fold it a few times on one side and roll the rest of the paper around it. If it gets to thick you need to take a little bit off the length of the paper. This is how you will get a nice roach to start with. Roaches are not made to filter the smoke but they do allow it to flow, and the smoke condenses in cyclinders. A good roach also stops the joint from dissolving in your mouth or burning your lips when you chase that last toke. Here's how easy way to make a good one.

Step 1

Step 2
When you practice you can either use tobacco or the real deal. Place the broken down product in the middle of your rolling paper, see below:
Roll a Joint
Step 3

You should put the roach in before rolling, place the roach like in the picture below:

Roll a Joint

Step 4

Pick everything up and start in the middle, rolling outwards. Let your thumbs do most of the work and give support and pressure with your forefingers. You should start to feel the mix firming inside the paper. When you have an even consistency tuck down the facing paper edge with tips of your thumbs, wrap the excess paper around the joint, wet and seal that baby! The best joints are firm but not so tight you have to bust a lung drawing smoke. Loose joints taste rough, burn too fast and have a nasty habit of setting light to clothing, sofas, blankets, yeah you get the point.

Roll a Joint
Roll a Joint

This is what a joint should look like:

lördag 2 juli 2011

The 3 levels of getting high when smoking cannabis

Here we take a look at the 3 Levels of HIGH when smoking cannabis.  Below you will find a description of what will happen when you smoke cannabis, and what happens when you continue to smoke cannabis.

The Buzz

The buzz is the first level experienced in getting high on cannabis. You will feel a nice, calm, enjoyable, floaty buzz.  First time users may claim to feel stoned. This buzz is good for the daily user who begin the day with a buzz (don't be confused with the "wake & bake").  Catching a buzz is not enough to get burnt out and yet you have not truly reached the level of high. You can always revisit your joint or pipe later and refresh your buzz by taking a couple more hits.  This can be continued through-out the day with few or any ill effects.

Depending upon the potency of the cannabis, any one of these effects could be enhanced or non-existent in your personal experience.  It may take only one hit to catch a buzz or it could take more than 10 hits to catch the same buzz based upon the quality of your cannabis.

A nice buzz can last from about 30 minutes to 2 hours. The effects of getting high on cannabis can be different from one person to the next.  Marijuana is not a physically addictive drug.

The High

This level is generally reached with 4 to 8 hits of decent cannabis.  It goes beyond just feeling a buzz, but you are not stoned either.

When you have continued from the buzz level you can truly become internal with your wild and sporadic thoughts.  You may experience paranoia at this level. That may come from breaking a law to do it, or having to cover it up or hide it to from parents/girlfriends/boyfriends, managers etc.  But you generally feel good, you may want to do something fun or exciting, you will like the taste of food and drink, and can still perform and enjoy your partner sexually.  Audio and video experiences will seem enhanced to you.  Your focus and creativity are generally increased.

Laughing to tears is possible when paying attention to deep, meaningless conversation and humor. 
You may experience uncontrollably laughter at nothing or anything at all.
Any existing addictions like video games, alcohol, sex or adrenaline rushes of any type seem magnified and craved for, when high. Red bloodshot eyes can be experienced while at this level of high (Clear Eyes eye drops can mask this appearance). Great cannabis can keep you really high for hours with minimum burn out.  Most cannabis leaves you with dry mouth, also referred to as "cotton mouth".

Being Stoned

When you continue to smoke after you are already high you will reach the zone, which is happily referred to by many as "being stoned". To some, catching a buzz or getting high just isn't enough.

When a person is stoned, they may experience any or all of the following behaviors;
Friendly, talkative, sexual, less inhibited, courageous, daring, and sometimes even stupid. All of the symptoms of the buzz and the high are still present and usually increased when being stoned.  Some individuals may display a lack of motivation or activity at this level.  A burn-out may occur when coming down from the high itself.

Extreme snacking is a noticeable side effect of being stoned. While eye drops can help with the red eyes, they cannot help with the squinty eyes of a stoner. This often occurs after smoking really good cannabis, or smoking so much that you are glued to whatever seat you are in. This squinty-eyed side-effect has no known cure so far.
Extreme burn-out may cause sleepiness in some at this level. Some people experience a nice body buzz besides their high.  Many individuals (but not all), are NOT recommended to work, drive cars or even as simple as grocery shopping etc. in this condition.

fredag 1 juli 2011

Marijuana Tincture Recipe

To prepare your weed for the process, place on a cookie sheet in an over at 150 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour, until the bud is so dry that it crumbles into a powder when rolled between your thumb and forefinger.


22 grams of finely ground cannabis
90 ml/3 fl oz alcohol 
(use liquor with at least 50% alcohol – the better the taste, the better the tincture will taste)


1. Soak the cannabis powder in water for 12 hours to remove any water-soluble impurities.
2. Drain excess water.
3. Put cannabis powder in an airtight container such as a mason jar.
4. Pour alcohol over cannabis.
5. Store in a cool dark place for at least 10 days. The longer the better.
6. Shake the container several times a day.
7. Filter through a strainer to remove solid particles. Repeat as necessary.

torsdag 30 juni 2011

Cannabis Lollipop - Sticky Lickies recipes


2 cups sugar
1 cup light corn syrup
1 cup water
1-2 ounces marijuana tincture 
Molds for Candy and Lollipops (you can buy these at any bakery shop,grocery stores and many websites or you can try using ice cube trays for simple shapes)
Your favorite food coloring and/or flavoring


1. Add the first three ingredients together in a pot on the stove at medium heat. Stir until all ingredients dissolve and then bring the liquid into a boil.
2. Bring the temperature of the liquid up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit, then slowly stir in the color and/or flavorings.3. Turn off heat and then QUICKLY stir in marijuana tincture (if you’re too slow, the liquid will solidify).
4. Pour into the candy molds. Let harden before removing.

Now you have your favorite flavors and colors in a delicious  form: Marijuana Candy!

onsdag 29 juni 2011

Guerilla Growing

Cannabis can grow outdoors in pretty much every country in the world. Growing outdoors takes a lot of work, but outdoor cannabis growing can give you peak yield and a superb harvest. It's not always possible due to the increasing Hi-Tech detection equipment being used by Police Forces around the world.  Google Earth even gets used by some Agencies to look for potential “Crops” growing in remote locations. Outdoor Cannabis is though the preferred way of growing due to the cost effectiveness of compared to growing indoors and the lower maintenance and it's growing in a natural environment , which means bigger plants with bigger yields.

Of course, an outdoors setting requires special precautions not encountered with an indoors crop. You must be able to avoid detection, both from law enforcement and anybody else, they'll take your cannabis and probably use it. And the last thing that you want is someone else enjoying your hard work. Picking the ideal “spot” for your grow you must keep in mind that you need to be able to get access to the grow space to prepare your soil and secure enough not to be found buy a wondering eye. 

One of the most important thing to keep in consideration if you are planning a Guerilla Grow is the Perfect location for your plants. Finding the perfect spot can be a problem.
There are a few things to keep into consideration when looking for the perfect outdoor grow:
Make sure the grow spot can't be seen from any roads, pathways or buildings or even from the accidental praying eyes. The best place will be a nice little spot surrounded by nice big bushes and even small trees that is difficult to reach or to see and get through. After finding your potential grow spot, inspect the location. It is very important to look for distinct evidence of disturbance. Look for walking paths, traces of human disturbance and soda cans, ciggarette butts etc.. The last thing you want is someone stumbling onto your plants and claiming it for their own benefit or even worse, the police find it and burns/confiscate it. When you are inspecting your potential grow location, make sure no one sees you entering or leaving as this can be a tip-off that something might be happening in there. And please keep in mind to keep your grow space to a minimum as the bigger the grow space, the better the chance is that someone can see it or even the police finds it with helicopters, alerting nearby mobile police to investigate a potential grow location.

Then there are the very important point I have to make out to anyone growing outdoors and even indoors. And that is to TELL NO ONE of your grow. For every person you tell, it is a potential risk of getting caught.

The main reason why you want to grow outdoors is because of the wonderful free lighting the sun provides. The sun provides approx. 10 000 lumens per square foot, which is a excellent for growth and peak yield. Make sure your grow spot has enough light through the day and minimal shade. You want those lumens to reach your plant directly as much as possible. It is proven that plants react better to morning sunlight than afternoon sunlight.
If you have found your perfect grow location, it is time to prepare the location for the grow. 1st thing to do is to clean up your little piece of paradise by removing any small plants and weeds from the top soil so there are no other plants fighting for the same soil and nutrients. Do not return to the location for about a week. After this time period, go back to your location and look for any evidence of someone that has been there after you. If someone found your location, they will have left footprints in the loosen soil you prepared or broken a few branches getting in. IF this is the case, your location has been compromised and its time to find a new location.

If all is well and you spot is still safe, its time to think of getting your hands on some nice seeds for your grow.

tisdag 28 juni 2011

The real weed heads - Twitter

What is Vaporization?

Cannabis Vaporization is a technology for delivering inhaled THC and other cannabinoids while reducing toxic byproducts of smoked cannabis primarily caused by combustion. The trichomes are found on the surface of cannabis flowers and leaves. By heating cannabis to a temperature between 180°C and 200°C, it is possible to vaporize the cannabinoids that reside on the trichomes while simultaneously avoiding combustion (which occurs at 230°C and above) and attendant smoke toxins.  Vaporization is a relatively new technology.  The feasibility of vaporization of THC has been demonstrated in a series of laboratory studies involving different vaporizer designs.  An electric vaporizer was shown to release substantially more amounts of the THC while producing no measurable amounts of the benzene, toluene, and naphthalene, which are generated when marijuana is smoked.  Reductions in carbon monoxide and tar generation were also observed under vaporization compared to smoking.

måndag 27 juni 2011


Indica: Indica originally come from the hash producing countries of the world like Afghanistan, Tibet and Morocco. Indica flowers will be thick and dense, with flavors and aromas ranging from pungent skunk to spicy and fruity. Indica generally create a body high that is relaxing and medicinal. Indica have higher CBD than THC count, which equals a much heavier sleepy type of high.
Sativa: Sativa originally come from Mexico, Colombia, Thailand and Southeast Asia. They have flavors that range from earthy to sweet and fruity. Sativa have a higher THC than CBD count, which equals a more cerebral, soaring type of high. Sativa have an energetic high, which can stimulate brain activity and may even produce hallucinations. 
Hybrid: Hybrids are created to retain certain desired characteristics from Indica and Sativa plants. By altering the ratio of indica and sativa influences, growers can breed hybrids for a particular high, flavor, and aroma. Most marijuana varieties available today are hybrids as they bring together the best of both Indica and Sativa marijuana characteristics.

söndag 26 juni 2011

The real weed heads recommends: Cali High - Juicy J/Project Pat

How long does Cannabis stay in the body?

In order to release THC from cannabis, the cannabis should be heated up, often by the smoking it. The body absorbs 10-25% of the THC when it is inhaled and only 6% when it is eaten. The dose of THC required for a person to feel high is around 10 milligrams, of which only a small fraction reaches the brain. A week after having smoked cannabis only 60-70% of the THC has left the body because it is stored in body fat. It takes about 4-6 weeks before the THC is no longer visible in a blood test. The psychoactive effects, on the other hand, disappears after a few hours. THC or decomposition products can be detected in urine up to a few days after the last use. This time, however, longer for chronic users, THC which can be seen in the urine up to a few weeks after the last used.

The hair can detect THC for as long as the longest hair has grown, plus a few more weeks.

lördag 25 juni 2011

The difference between hashish and marijuana

Hashish and Marijuana are obtained from the cannabis plant. Cannabis is the general term for hashish and marijuana. The plant is used for its content of psychoactive substances, incl. THC. Dried flowers / plant parts is known as marijuana. Resin which is extracted from the plant is known as hashish. Hashish is generally stronger than marijuana. The intensity of the effects of marijuana depend on the use of only the upper part of the plant or the middle part. Hashish is the pure resin. When producing hashish, you separate the resin from the flowering tops by drying and cooling the plant. The resin is filtered through the filter and then crushed into powder. Oil that is released causes the powder to thicken. There are many different ways to make hash which I will talk about later, and be aware that hashish is not always pure, people mix all kinds of things to make money.

The cannabis plant contains more than 400 chemical substances. About 60 of them are unique and can not be found in any other plant. These threads are called cannabinoids. The substance that is most responsible for the physical and psychological effects of cannabis is THC, which is short for delta-9-hydrocannabinol. Nowadays it is possible to manufacture it in a laboratory. The concentration of THC in different cannabis products can vary greatly. Marijuana contains THC and hashish contains more concentrated, but it depends on the individual compound. THC reaches the brain quickly when you smoke it.

8 Strains of Purple Weed

Purple Haze

Purple Haze


Grandaddy Purple

Purple Panther

Purple Kush

Purple White Widow


The origins of purple cannabis are as much of a mystery as the origins of the plant itself. Purple Haze is a expression used to describe a specific brightly purple strain of cannabis. It was initially used to describe a type of LSD sold on purple blotter paper. Purple Haze is actually a glorified term that was adapted from the Jimi Hendrix song, which most believe was created about the "brand" of super potent LSD created by Owsley Stanley. However, purpling is as natural as the changing colors on the leaves of deciduous trees in autumn, which is attributed in part to the pigment anthocyanin. Anthocyanin expression is controlled by both genetic and environmental factors.

Cannabis Oil

Cannabis oil can be consumed by smoking, vaporizing or consumed orally.
File:Drop of cannabis oil.jpg

If hashish is the BMW of the cannabis world, cannabis oil is the Ferrari. With an so intense high from two to three puffs of cannabis oil will have you flying in space for about an hour. Cannabis oil is produced by boiling hasch or marijuana in a solvent, usually alcohol, and then filtering out any waste. The process results in a thick liquid that can be clear, yellow, dark brown and black. the most potent cannabis oil with a THC level of 60-80% is yellowish-red in color. It takes one about 20 times further away from reality then by smoking a usual joint. The after effect is a coma-like sleeping that could last up to 18 hours, you wake up healthy but a bit groggy. Cannabis oil should be stored in a refrigerator otherwise it will lose its potency. A drop or two on a cigarette is equal to a joint.

File:Hemp extract fine.jpg

fredag 24 juni 2011


Kief are the resin glands or Thricomes if you so will of the cannabis. Kief are usually sifted or rubbed from the cannabis buds and leaves. Its quality depends on the plant itself. Kief has a much higher concentrate of THC , which is the psychoactive cannabinoids. Kief is prized for its smoothness when inhaled. Usually Kief is pressed into hasch for the convinient of shipping and storing. The word comes from the Arabic "kayf" and it means pleasure or well-being.

The weed you usually smoke got between 14.5% to 20% of THC, Kief in its finest quality can be up to 80% THC potent.

torsdag 23 juni 2011

Smoke Weed Everyday! (̅_̅_̅_̅(̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅_̅̅_̅()ڪے it prevents Alzheimer disease

I only smoke on the days that ends with a "y". Today I read an article about a molecular link between the active component of marijuana and Alzheimer's disease. It states that cannabinoid molecules may directly impact the progression of this dibilitating disease. A good reason to smoke weed on the regular.


Smoking Chills...

Marijuana is regarded to be a mind-opener. It makes you think more creative and broaden people's outlook. That's because marijuana stimulates the nervous system, causing blood in arteries to dilate and get supplied to the brain easily. Marijuana can help get rid of an adrenaline rush and calm down agressive persons. It also calms any tension and helps with depression (if you don't over do it). It also relieves the feeling of nausea

High. How are you? That Blueberry Kush

Enjoy your weekend, I know we will, getting smokey in here!

This is Blusberry Kush, if you haven't still tried it,  this is the shit!

10 movies to get HIGH to

Not necessarily in this order, this is not a top 10 list, it's just 10 movies to get high to.

1. Fear and loathing in Las Vegas

A journalist and a lawyer travel to Las Vegas for a series of psychadelic escapes.

2. Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Harold & Kumar tries to sneak a bong on board a flight to Amsterdam. The authorities suspects them of being terrorists.

3. Friday

Craig and Smokey are hanging out on their porch smoking and drinking on a friday afternoon.

4. The 51st State

An american master scientist tries to score big on a once in a life time drug deal. It does not go as planned.

5. Scary Movie 1, 2 and 3

6. Deauce Bigalow European Gigolo

Deauce is tricked again by T.J. into man-whoring, but this time in Amsterdam.

7. Don't be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood

This is a parady from a whole bunch of movies.

8. Grandma's Boy

A 35 year old video game tester moves in with his grandma and her 2 roommates.

9. How High

Silas and Jamal smokes their friends magical ash that eventually helps them through their collage entrance exam.

10. Smiley Face

A young actress eats her roommate's cannabis cupcakes, her dau becomes a series of misadventures.