onsdag 29 juni 2011

Guerilla Growing

Cannabis can grow outdoors in pretty much every country in the world. Growing outdoors takes a lot of work, but outdoor cannabis growing can give you peak yield and a superb harvest. It's not always possible due to the increasing Hi-Tech detection equipment being used by Police Forces around the world.  Google Earth even gets used by some Agencies to look for potential “Crops” growing in remote locations. Outdoor Cannabis is though the preferred way of growing due to the cost effectiveness of compared to growing indoors and the lower maintenance and it's growing in a natural environment , which means bigger plants with bigger yields.

Of course, an outdoors setting requires special precautions not encountered with an indoors crop. You must be able to avoid detection, both from law enforcement and anybody else, they'll take your cannabis and probably use it. And the last thing that you want is someone else enjoying your hard work. Picking the ideal “spot” for your grow you must keep in mind that you need to be able to get access to the grow space to prepare your soil and secure enough not to be found buy a wondering eye. 

One of the most important thing to keep in consideration if you are planning a Guerilla Grow is the Perfect location for your plants. Finding the perfect spot can be a problem.
There are a few things to keep into consideration when looking for the perfect outdoor grow:
Make sure the grow spot can't be seen from any roads, pathways or buildings or even from the accidental praying eyes. The best place will be a nice little spot surrounded by nice big bushes and even small trees that is difficult to reach or to see and get through. After finding your potential grow spot, inspect the location. It is very important to look for distinct evidence of disturbance. Look for walking paths, traces of human disturbance and soda cans, ciggarette butts etc.. The last thing you want is someone stumbling onto your plants and claiming it for their own benefit or even worse, the police find it and burns/confiscate it. When you are inspecting your potential grow location, make sure no one sees you entering or leaving as this can be a tip-off that something might be happening in there. And please keep in mind to keep your grow space to a minimum as the bigger the grow space, the better the chance is that someone can see it or even the police finds it with helicopters, alerting nearby mobile police to investigate a potential grow location.

Then there are the very important point I have to make out to anyone growing outdoors and even indoors. And that is to TELL NO ONE of your grow. For every person you tell, it is a potential risk of getting caught.

The main reason why you want to grow outdoors is because of the wonderful free lighting the sun provides. The sun provides approx. 10 000 lumens per square foot, which is a excellent for growth and peak yield. Make sure your grow spot has enough light through the day and minimal shade. You want those lumens to reach your plant directly as much as possible. It is proven that plants react better to morning sunlight than afternoon sunlight.
If you have found your perfect grow location, it is time to prepare the location for the grow. 1st thing to do is to clean up your little piece of paradise by removing any small plants and weeds from the top soil so there are no other plants fighting for the same soil and nutrients. Do not return to the location for about a week. After this time period, go back to your location and look for any evidence of someone that has been there after you. If someone found your location, they will have left footprints in the loosen soil you prepared or broken a few branches getting in. IF this is the case, your location has been compromised and its time to find a new location.

If all is well and you spot is still safe, its time to think of getting your hands on some nice seeds for your grow.

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